Our Operating Model recognises that we will operate with no more than 5 unpaid Volunteers (Trustees) - so we will not achieve our funding objectives by shaking collection-cans on street corners or shopping centres. Our role is to develop expertise in successfully generating funds from sources that are currently not normally available to the Sport of Judo.
Therefore, we will focus on submitting tenders and applications to Institutions, Government & Local Government Authorities, medium to large Companies with Social Responsibility Programmes and also Philanthropic Individuals.
The Foundation's business model concentrates on raising funds to be a facilitator to bring Judo to those who are disadvantaged. Funds raised will pay for the delivery of free Judo lessons to Individuals and Communities in need, working with BJA Clubs and coaches (and those of National Affiliate Bodies) to deliver bespoke Judo Programmes.
NO-GO FUNDRAISING MARKETS: Many Charities are in the High Street with Charity Shops or have online commercial activities. This will not work for us - too complex - and needs lots of volunteers& crowded market. Significant donations from outside the UK require additionally regulatory requirements which make it unattractive for our small Charity. Public donations are high volume with low average donation and require too much admin for the small number of Trustees involved in our Foundation.
OPPORTUNISTIC FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Government, Devolved and Local seldom feed money directly to Charities but usually require applications by Tender through and Agency. We will apply for such Funding availability whenever our objectives fit clearly within the Government Policy parameters and Legiuslation.
OUR TARGET FUNDING SOURCES: This is our Target Market for Funding applications - large PLCs and medium sized local companies with Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes where they want to sponsor and contribute to local Community initiatives. Likewise, the Lottery Fund & Charitable Trusts, with large sums of money to distribute in line with their Trust or Foundation's Objectives to distribute funds under their management from Bequests and the like.